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Εύα Στάμου
Greece - Ελλάδα
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Eva Stamou
Short Bio
Eva Stamou is a writer and a Dr of Psychology. Her writings include the novels Maneuvers (2004), Decaffeine (2005), Addiction (2011), The Excursion (2016, published in Egypt in 2023), the short-stories collections Midday Encounters (2009, shortlisted for "The Diavazo Book Award", stories have been published in French, Italian, Lithuanian) The Laughing Girls (2018, published in Italy in 2023), The Visit (2022), the essays Ageing and Female Identity in Midlife (New York: Scholars' Press, 2013), The Deluge of Chick-Lit (Gutenberg, 2014). She writes at Athens Voice, the Athens Review of Books